"Non-Violence" also known as the "Knotted Gun" is a pro-peace sculpture on the grounds of the United Nations by Swedish artist Carl Frederik Reutersward, designed in late 1980 and inspired by the shooting death of his friend John Lennon. It was given to the UN by the government of Luxembourg in 1988.
The sculpture depicts a 45-caliber revolver with its barrel knotted into a bullet blocking twist, an idea normally confined to 2D reality in newspaper editorial cartoons.
There are at least 16 other identical sculptures scattered around the world, in venues ranging from a WWII museum to a shopping center in Liverpool, England. Miniature fiberglas versions are available online.
Edit: Unfortunately the message of the sculpture has not been received by much of the world and especially here in America.
" Where passion pulls follow, never question this, it may be the only chance in your life to be truely alive with the source pulsing through your veins. Even if the journey goes down a futile path, it still is not in vain." From the poem The Art of Art by Adryan Rotica. That poem to me express the creativity and passion of the street artist. This gallery is devoted to the various expressions of art you will find in the cities. Be it grafitti, murals, commissioned or otherwise, and even advertisements on buildings. They are all forms of art you will find in the cities. If an image has the FAA watermark in the lower right hand corner it will NOT appear on any print you purchase.
Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd - Wikipedia
Non-Violence (sculpture) - Wikipedia
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