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Graffiti is writing or drawings scribbled, scratched, or sprayed illicitly on a wall or other surface in a public place. Stickers and other adhesives are not considered graffiti. Graffiti ranges from simple written words to elaborate wall paintings, and has existed since ancient times, with examples dating back to Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire. In modern times, paint, particularly spray paint, and marker pens have become the most commonly used graffiti materials. In most countries, marking or painting property without the property owner's consent is considered defacement and vandalism, which is a punishable crime. Graffiti may also express underlying social and political messages and a whole genre of artistic expression is based upon spray paint graffiti styles. Within hip hop culture, graffiti has evolved alongside hip hop music, b-boying, and other elements. Unrelated to hip-hop graffiti, gangs use their own form of graffiti to mark territory or to serve as an indicator of gang-related activities. Controversies that surround graffiti continue to create disagreement amongst city officials/law enforcement and writers who wish to display and appreciate work in public locations. There are many different types and styles of graffiti and it is a rapidly developing art form whose value is highly contested, reviled by many authorities while also subject to protection, sometimes within the same jurisdiction The murals that are seen throughout the world do not engender the same controversy. For the most part they are requested or commissioned. Many cities such as Philadelphia have an established mural arts program. Also in this gallery I will include advertising and posters which in many cases I consider artistic. Art or vandalism ? You be the judge. You can tell how I feel by how I title the photograph.
This gallery is devoted to the real New Jersey that is loved and appreciated by the people who live and visit there. I also have a gallery devoted solely to the Jersey Shore as well as the FAA group New Jersey administered by me. To see many more wonderful fine art images of New Jersey please visit both.
Another example of why it's so much fun to live close to NYC. There is always something going on. NY is particularly engaged in presenting various outside art shows. There has been the Gates exhibit in Central Park 2005, Sculpture on Park Avenue in 2009, The Cow Parade held all over the city in 2008 and in the summer of 2010 there was a "Sidewalk Catwalk" which was a display of mannequins dressed by famous fashion designers on Broadway for several weeks and the subject of this gallery. It's always fun for a photgrapher in NYC If an image has the FAA watermark in the lower right hand corner it will NOT appear on any print you purchase.
" Where passion pulls follow ,never question this, it may be the only chance in your life to be truely alive with the source pulsing through your veins. Even if the journey goes down a futile path, it still is not in vain." From the poem The Art of Art by Adryan Rotica. That poem to me express the creativity and passion of the street artist. This gallery is devoted to the various expressions of art you will find in the cities. Be it grafitti, murals, commissioned or otherwise, and even advertisements on buildings. They are all forms of art you will find in the cities. If an image has the FAA watermark in the lower right hand corner it will NOT appear on any print you purchase.